We met Pierce Brosnan

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Pierce Brosnan the calm man

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The Irish actor lives his better professional moment. Now besides to dedicate itself to the interpretation, he has opened a new facet in his life, the one of producer. Pierce enjoys his life in Hawaii, of the success that has reported him the cinema and, mainly, of his family.

"the new generations arrive very hard being above, but the certain thing is that l is lacks a great interpretativa maturity" therefore the actor confesses to us Pierce Brosnan. With more than three pending projects of opening in 2010, the Irish actor, keeps awake the secret formula to stay in the crest of the wave to his 56 years.

How iente s having so many projects at sight for 2010?
He is wonderful because each one of them is a personage completely opposed the others. I am in a while of my very fruitful race.

In its film The Greatest it exerts as producing and it works with Susan Sarandon. How it has been the experience?
He has been excellent. The director, Shan Feste, a very young girl, sent the project to my producer, Iris Dream Time, and we accepted to enlist themselves in this wonderful history. To work with Susan Sarandon is always a delight, and this time I have had the opportunity to do of its husband.

It has worked with ídolo of the moment, Robert Pattinson (Twilight, New Moon), in the Remember film Me, does not think that every time more young people in the world of the celluloid begin?
The certain thing is that I have felt a little "father" working next to Robert, but is a great actor with a great future in the world of the cinema. The secret is in being perseverante, and it is it. I already believe it that yes.
Clock Cartier 100 Santos Carbon GM Steel. Brown jacket of Giorgio Armani. Shirt of Prada.
Clock Cartier Ballon Bleu Cronógrafo Pink Gold. Brown jacket and black trousers of Giorgio Armani. Shoes and shirt of Prada.

In February Percy is released Jackson and the thief of the ray, where she interprets the personage of Chiron, half man and half horse. They have been all special effects or had to prepare itself físicamen you?
I have passed all the raised running to zancos of two meters, so you can imagine that by exigencies of the script I have had themselves to maintain in good form. (Laughter).
Has not pricked him gusanillo to direct?
Recently me I raised it, but I have changed of opinion, I believe that it is not the moment. When it finds the material adapted for it, I will do it. I enjoy much acting and I am a privileged person to the power to travel as much thanks to my work.

It comments that it has traveled much.In its free time, where it prefers r to elajar itself?
Good, I live in Hawaii with my family, so that is our particular paradise. But it enchants to me to travel, I have been in Spain several times and adore its people and its culture, the Irish always we have taken well with your country.

We know that one of its hobbies is the painting, is Hawaii where is inspired?
I am self-taught in this discipline and Hawaii has been a great source of inspiration, although I do not get tired to study works of great teachers of the painting, like Matisse.
Clock Cartier 100 Santos Flying Tourbillon. Brown jacket of Giorgio Armani. Shirt of Prada.

By its profession of actor I imagine that it has had the opportunity to drive many wonderful cars. Which is the one of its dreams?
I have a Aston Martin Vanquish S, but I am thinking about selling it. And now I finish buying a BMW S50, something more relative. Me Harley had pleased to have Davidson, but if I did not take control of one when she was 20 years old, hardly I do it now; I must think about my family.

In the session of photos that has made for our magazine it takes different models from Cartier. He is loving of the clocks?
I adore them and, in fact, I have a small collection of 15 different ones. It is a very intimate collection: I have the clock that my father used all his life, first that gave my woman to me… Each one of them is a personal piece, and hide different histories behind them.
What is what looks for in a clock: elegance, design, that is put or worse better…
I like, mainly, the elegant clocks, but with a design touch at the same time. I do not like much those that are too great, I prefer something more discreet.

Which could be said that it is the perfect clock?
I believe that that that is able of acompañarte all a life and being accomplice of your own experiences and experiences.


Unknown said...

Great photos and article! Thanks for sharing. What magazine dies it come from?

Anonymous said...

What a great find!!! Thanks.
Where can I get those pics. He looks perfect.


Brosnan`s Fans said...

Thank you so much for your nice comment.This article comes from a Spanish magazine.
Happy New Year.

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