We met Pierce Brosnan

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Agent 007 Pierce Brosnan to play golf in Beroun

Psychology - Such an opportunity to meet with the American film star of nejvìtšího format, so that now comes along.

So when I dozvìdìla that Sunday to the Golf Resort Beroun pøijede play Pierce Brosnan, I could not resist. Not just for the photo, but it alone is definitely worth meeting. The actor last week in Prague natáèel takes to his new movie and to Beroun pøijel relax.

As they say, Do not do hasty close. But after my many years of experience with actors nìkterými èeskými Beroun I went golfing with theirs obezøetnosti. If you are able to behave rudely and crudely some of èeské asterisk, what about Mr. actor Pierce Brosnan. Stars svìtového format.But as usual, Actually you can knock knees groovy. And that prozøení waited in sluneènou Sunday and me.
Pierce Brosnan immediately disarmed me his ease and, above all decent behavior. Though journalists must have, constantly haunted him kteøí, fed up, behaved very nicely and vstøícnì.Maybe it's the essence of his personality, maybe even by his second wife is a former novináøka.
Me, but his unarmed behavior. For example, a man with a nearby pøihlížejícího dvìma dìtmi greeted first, you definitely did not play the Hollywood zhýèkanou whistle.While we walked to the green, where he had just photographed, carefree and at ease with talking about Prague, which he caught the eye.
In short, man, from which would be some of the stars èeské could teach manners.
The presence of the famous American raised in the stars Golf Resort Beroun much attention. The management of the golf club was on Arrival Pierce Brosnan ready.
During noon nedìlního He played 9 holes and after a short refreshment on the terrace of the clubhouse went back to natáèení."From Prague to Los Angeles'm leaving tomorrow, looking forward to Hawaii, where I live and where my wife expects me ones. There will also pøipravovat a new film project, "said Brosnan distress before departure.According to director of the Golf Resort Beroun Vojtìcha Matìjèka actor was very glad to meet with the president of KOS WIRE, which Hoist own with Mr. Sung Pyo Hong. Both gentlemen agreed to hoe Together, if they meet in South Korea, Vietnam and Japan, where all business, as in Beroun, built and operates the golf Hoist.

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