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Join Me and Save Whales for Future Generations!

From The Official Pierce Brosnan site
June 2, 2009
Join Me and Save Whales for Future Generations!
Last week my wife and I went to the White House to meet with Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality; Christina M. Tchen, Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement; Monica Medina, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration; and David Balton, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, to discuss a new Whale Conservation and Protection Bill introduced by Congressman Delahunt and Congressman Faleomavaega. This new and comprehensive legislation will make a critical difference in protecting whales worldwide.
The "Save The Whales" movement is usually described as one of the greatest conservation victories of the environmental movement, but surprisingly, whales face more threats today than ever before. These magnificent and intelligent mammals are under continuous threat from loss of habitat, marine pollution, ship strikes, and entanglement in fishing gear. Low and mid-frequency sonar generate a deadly form of noise pollution in our seas, which is believed to cause hemorrhaging in the whale's ear drums, disrupting their internal navigation, and threatening their very existence.
Additionally, whales face new and emerging threats from oil and gas exploration and seismic surveys as coastal communities around the world are targeted by international energy companies attempting to industrialize our precious coastlines and beaches. Global Warming and Global Climate Change create even more precarious conditions in the effort to protect whales.
Please Click Here to Take Action Now to Support Whale Conservation
With all these threats facing whales today, we can hardly afford to allow some 1,400 whales to be killed by Japan, Norway and Iceland every year. Ignoring this escalating slaughter puts whales at further risk. There are few causes I feel more passionately about than protecting our planet's great whales and their ocean habitat because it directly affects us all. For if we cannot save such magnificent, intelligent, socially complex, gentle and sentient beings like the whales, how can we have any chance of saving the marine eco-systems that they live within? And ladies and gentlemen, if we cannot save the oceans, we will ultimately fail to save humanity for the simple ecological truth is, that if our oceans die, we will not survive as a species ourselves.
But no matter how gloomy the outlook or how impossibly challenging the opposition, there is always that one virtue that makes over-throwing the impossible - possible. That virtue is hope and we, the concerned citizens of the United States -- like the overwhelming majority of people around the world - want whales and their oceanic habitats to be protected. For the health of our planet depends upon our maintaining a complex balance of interrelated systems. Thus, we want the United States to lead this great campaign, and our friends in Japan, Iceland and Norway to join us in urging their governments to represent the will of their people, who believe, with great conviction, that whales must be free to swim in the oceans of the world without being attacked and slaughtered.
It is up to each of us as individuals to lend a hand, and to do what we can to bring about the change we all believe in. We shape and create our reality every moment of every day, and like no species before us, we have the power to define our future. Thus the one crime for which our children and grandchildren will not forgive us is the destruction of unique life and the impoverishment of our environment. We can all become beacons of hope. We are all the catalysts and agents of change, the architects and engineers of a new tomorrow.

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