"The Hunter" will be produced by Olive Prods. and Irish DreamTime, with pre-production scheduled to begin in September. Olive was co-founded by Tucci, Steve Buscemi and Wren Arthur, with Arthur overseeing production.Irish DreamTime partners Brosnan and Beau St. Clair will also be producing along with Stan Erdreich from River Bend Pictures.Buscemi's exec producing the project."The Hunter," set amid the aristocracy of New York's Upper Westchester County, is a coming-of-age story of a middle-aged man, played by Brosnan, who find himself desperately clinging to the vestiges of his once-charmed life and world.Tucci's scripting credits include "Big Night," which he also co-directed and starred in, along with "The Imposters," "Joe Gould's Secret" and "Blind Date," in which he also co-stars with Clarkson. "Blind Date" will be released in September.
Brosnan's upcoming projects include "The Greatest," with Susan Sarandon; "The Ghost" for Roman Polanski; "Percy Jackson" for Chris Columbus; and "Remember Me" for Allen Coulter.
CAA packaged and will be selling the film�s North American distribution rights.
Great! I love them all... Brosnan, Tucci, Buscemi...!
yes.We love him not only because he is a great actor but because he is a great man too
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