Pierce Brosnan on the Set of Remember Me
Tequilla got to meet Rob again Saturday morning around 1 a.m. in Brooklyn. She told us, “There were about 20 very well behaved girls [there] and when filming wrapped, he graciously stayed, took pictures and signed autographs for all of us! Didn’t get a pic with him this time, but had him sign the picture I took with him last week. He was all smiles and such a doll!”Courtney was in NYC from Florida and had one day to try and find Rob. She said, “Thanks to your website I was able to see him!! Dream come true!”Khanisha met Pierce Brosnan on the set of Remember Me this week as well. She told us, “I went to the RM set, and met up with Ann, yes I was there again. Rob just went on lunch so we made our way to a nearby Starbucks. When we were about to leave I look out the window and saw Pierce Brosnan just walking down the street! No body guards or anything lol. So i ran out the store and stopped in front of him. He was super cool about the whole taking pics thing but didn’t want to attract a crowd lol. I was like yayy i got a pic wit 007 teehee”
New York, UNITED STATES (USA), Fri 10 Jul 2009, 00:00 GMT Pierce Brosnan tells us that filming is going well on th
e New York set of "Remember Me". In response to being given the message that the legendary Radio Man sends his kisses, Pierce jokes that Radio Man should consider brushing his teeth first!!
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