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When it looks like they're pausing for lunch, I wander back to the trailer side of the building and, guess who turns up - Pierce Bronson! People were so focused on looking for Rob, I don't know if many even noticed 007 striding on up to his trailer. Pierce (aka Charles Roth - Tyler/Rob's Dad) was such a gentleman - Bond through and through - so friendly and gracious, waving to us and stopping to take photos with a few people - including me!Pierce went into to see Rob and then they both walked over to the make-up trailer side-by-side together - they definitely have a real father and son quality - I approve the casting ;) They just walked over once together from Rob's trailer to make-up - they seemed in their own bubble, surrounded by Rob's body-guards (Pierce didn't appear to have one) talking to each other quietly and both obviously aware of their audience.
Sadly, Rob left set soon after - all hoodie-ed up in black with dark shades and a baseball cap and was whisked off in a tinted-window car. It can't be easy being watched all the time (although we were pretty much kept at either end of the block and people seemed quiet and well-behaved) but he seems to be dealing well enough to sign some fans' autographs at the end of the day... not for my Birthday though *sigh* come on Rob, what's a Brit in NY to do?!
He looks so sexy with that shirt. I love him in blue ;D Do you know how to download the video??????
Unfortunately I do not have now program for download video
I tried to make download video
I will try with Video Recording Program.
If it becomes him I will put in blog
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