Zinnowitz/Peenemuende (OZ/dpa) the Irish actor Pierce Brosnan ("James bond 007"), which to time on Usedom with novel Polanski the film "The Ghost" films, used the sunny Sunday morning to the Joggen and a beach walk. Numerous n tourist was not noticeable the Hollywood star first. Brosnans sporty program took approximately 30 minutes, then it went back to the hotel "Usedom Palace". Later the ex bond actor with actor colleague Kim Cattrall drove to the turning set. Under large safety precautions and shielded of the public Polanski turns with Peenemuende. Collecting main for the film is the novel of the same name of the best-selling author Robert Harris.
Brosnan plays a British ex Prime Minister, who withdraws itself i n a mansion to the island Martha's Vineyard at the American east coast, in order to write its memoirs in the strip.Sogar American current masts were gekarrt after Usedom. It loaded star director novel Polanski personally on the beautiful Baltic Sea island to the trick for its new Polit Thriller "The Ghost".
And they came all: Ex bond Pierce Brosnan, Hollywoodstar Ewan McGregor and Kim Cattrall, admits the town center "from" Sex and.
Vorschau for video: Pierce Brosnan with the Joggen
Berlin (ots) - Zinnowitz, 22.03.09, EXCLUSIVELY Story 09059 the Irish actor Pierce Brosnan, which films to time on the island Usedom with novel Polanski the film "The Ghost", used the sunny Sunday morning to the Joggen. Brosnan joggt over the strandpromenade of Zinnowitz, perfectly unidentified from the walking tourists. Its sporty program went approximately 30 minute, then it went back to the hotel "Usedom Pa lace". Later Pierce Brosnan with actor colleague Kim Cattrall drove to the turning set to the work. Our pictures: - Pierce Brosnan joggt over the promenade - Brosnan greets into the camera - Pierce Brosnan goes into the hotel - Pierce Brosnan verlaest with Kim Cattrall and Bodyguards the hotel - to Brosnan rises into sedan - departure sedan - GV ' hotel "Usedom Palace" this contribution and further finds you under http://www.multimedia.mecom.eu original text: Message in the film digital press briefcase: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/70338 press briefcase via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_70338.rss2 press contact: Manuel Struschka NIF - messages in the film A division OF property mash Ltd. avenue of the cosmonauts 28 A D-12681 Berlin www.habemus.co.uk manuel.struschka@habemus.co.uk telephone: +49 (0)30-97104222 fax: +49 (0)30-97104223 Helpdesk: +49 (0)800-nifcall (6432255) mobile: +49 (0)171-7442010
The hochkaraetigen actors were quartered in the five-star hotel "Usedom Palace". In the urigen fish restaurant "to the Smutje" there were finest delicate meals. Particularly frequently one sighted here, waiting Polanski, so that the weather becomes finally bad. It needed rain clouds, but the sky over Usedom was bang blue. Its actors enjoyed the Baltic Sea atmosphere: One saw Ewan McGregor sauntering comfortably from the hotel and walk to Pierce Brosnan over the beach. Usedom plays the American holidays island Martha's Vineyard in the politics Thriller. And it makes that correctly good.
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